


Med I Krv Project // Пројекат Мед и Kрв

Мед и Крв настоји да промовише уметност и уметничко стваралаштво успостављањем мреже између различитих земаља са циљем уметничке размене и солидарности.
Главна оса пројекта Мед и Крв је интеракција и комуникација између људи, као и комуникација између уметничке акције и друштва у коме се јавља. Размена идеја и мишљења између људи различитих погледа и успостављање сарадње између уметника из различитих култура функционише, како на уметничком, тако и на социолошком нивоу.

H Med I Krv, επιδιώκει να προάγει την τέχνη και δημιουργία εγκαθιστώντας ένα καλλιτεχνικό δίκτυο ανάμεσα στις χώρες υπό το πρίσμα της καλλιτεχνικής ανταλλαγής και αλληλεγγύης. Ο βασικός άξονας της Med I Krv λοιπόν βρίσκεται στην αλληλεπίδραση των ανθρώπων, την επικοινωνία μεταξύ τους, αλλά και την επικοινωνία της καλλιτεχνικής δράσης με την κοινωνία στην οποία αυτή συμβαίνει. Την ανταλλαγή ιδεών, απόψεων και ερεθισμάτων μεταξύ ανθρώπων διαφορετικών, και την δημιουργία μιας συνθήκης που με αφορμή τον πολιτισμό δρα, τόσο σε καλλιτεχνικό όσο και σε κοινωνιολογικό επίπεδο.

Med I Krv, seeks to promote the art and artistic creation by installing a network between countries in terms of artistic exchange and solidarity.
The main axis of the Med I Krv is the interaction between people, communication between them and the communication of artistic action to the society in which it occurs. Exchanging ideas, views between people of different stimuli, and the creation of a treaty in response to the cultural works, both in an artistic and sociological level.


Мед И Крв 3 / Утопија

Пројекат Мед И Крв је платформа интернационалног карактера, која окупља уметнике различитих поетика и медијских приступа. Уметничка активност се реализује кроз различите догађаје. Сваки од ових догађаја има сопствени концепт. Циљ пројекта Мед И Крв 3 / Утопија је да има и концептуалну и уметничку конзистентност са истраживачком природом целог пројекта Мед И Крв.
Концепт утопије је присутан у савременој уметности у форми питања. Он активира индивидуално сагледавање вредности социо-културног система у свету. Традиционално, конструкција “рајског система” је била ментално поље маштовитог моделовања, сна, визије и фикције. Пренесена у савремене слике она визуализује наша очекивања бољег света и такође његовог супротног рецидива, означеног као дистопија.
Типологија савремених утопијских идеја и њихов контекст препознају се у различитим пољима као што су: политички активизам, нове друштвене промене, истраживање потенцијала природне околине и пејзажа, технологије виртуелне реалности, измештених родних норми, норми уметности и лепоте, популарне културе, благостања и среће, конзументског друштва, технологије и науке. Осим добро познатог великог утопијског наратива, битно је указати на нову тенденцију – микроутопију, која се развила током последње декаде двадесетог века и која се фокусирала на свакодневно, идентитет и интиму са уметничким стратегијама интеракције и размене.
Селекција радова двадесетак уметника млађе генерације из Србије и Грчке доприноси критичком уметничком приступу овој теми. Користећи различите уметничке изворе и методе, они препознају утопијско мишљење у савременој уметности у опсегу конструктивног оптимизма, кроз менталну зону за развој нових углова посматрања и идеја о будућности, па све до негативних визија.

Марка Томић

Med I Krv 3 / Utopia

Med i Krv project is a platform of international character, which gathers artists with different poetics and medium approach. The artistic activity is realised through various events. Each of these happenings has its own concept. The goal of the Med I Krv 3/ Utopia project is to have both conceptual and artistic consistency with the research nature of the Med I Krv.
The Concept of Utopia is present in contemporary art in a rather inquisitive form. It activates the individual perception of the values of the socio-cultural system of the world. Traditionally the construction of the ‘system of paradise’ was a mental space of imaginative modeling, dream, vision and fiction. Transmitted in a contemporary image it visualizes our expectations of a better world and also its opposite recidivism, signified as dystopia.
Typology of the present-day utopian ideas and their contexts are recognized in different fields such as: political activism, new social changes, exploring the potential of the environmental and landscape spaces, technology of virtual reality, displaced gender norms, norms of art and beauty, popular culture, welfare and satisfaction, consumerist society, technology and science. Apart from a well known grand utopian narrative, it is also important to note that a new tendency- micro utopia, developed during the last decade of the 20th century and focused on everyday life, identity and intimacy with artistic strategies of interaction and exchange.
The selection of the works of twenty artists of the younger generation from Greece and Serbia is a contribution to the critical artistic approach of this topic. Using different artistic sources and methods, they recognize utopian thinking in contemporary art in scale of constructive optimism, through mental zone for developing new perspectives and ideas for the future all the way to negative visions.

Marka Tomić


Med I Krv 3 concept (Art Klinika, Novi Sad, Serbia)

The report Med I Krv 3 is an artistic endeavor that attempts to connect to a common area / Art Klinika new forms of visual art such as video art, installation, in situ installation, sound installation, light installation, land art, and environments in a common project. The goal is that projects have both conceptual and artistic consistency with the central axis of humanistic, sociological, political and research nature of the Med I Krv. The concept of coexistence, cultural exchange, and group dynamics towards a common goal are key attributes for both the selection of works and artists.

The artistic style of this exhibition, requires projects to be designed or adapted to this area and many of them will be implemented in situ, during the preparation of the report.

The criteria for selection of projects is the originality, technical excellence, the text of intent of the project, technical design, the ability to adapt to the exhibition, technical requirements, compliance schedules to bring the creative team.

H Med I Krv 3 will attempt to include in the exhibition, live music, improvisation and musical performances as in 1 and 2 starting to develop areas almost equally with the visual aspect, which is an important future goal.

Finally, the Med I Krv 3 will attempt to activate a visual way and other areas beyond the main showroom / Art Klinika creating a network of operations in various parts of the city of Novi Sad during the exhibition.



The theme of this year’s Med I Krv 3 exhibition is UTOPIA. The concept of Utopia originates from the distant past (Plato’s “Republic”, More’s “Utopia”) and over time it found its place in different areas of human activity (literature, technology, politics, ideology, science, religion…). Being the fictional place of ideal order and fulfillment of all humanistic values, Utopia represents Man’s permanent but never fully realized striving for the absolute.

Especially nowadays when we witness the turbulence within our socio-cultural system, the concept of Utopia and its relation to the reality become important issues. It is this very relationship that represents the intersection between the fictional and the real and forms an interesting field for artistic consideration and research. Given that the term Utopia is flexibly used within different contexts, the main goal of the exhibition is to reflect various artistic insights into the phenomenon, while at the same time not proposing any particular narrow framework.


Event: Med I Krv 3
Place: Art Klinika, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • and probably other sites, external or internal.
Organization: VULS, Art Klinika, Elephant Walk
Duration: 6 – 12 July, 2010
Preparation time in space: 7 days
Curators: Željko Vitorović, Marka Tomić – Đurić /Serbia, Maria Karathanou /Greece
Director of Photography / Technical Director: Michael Bouris
Production manager: Goran Popović /Serbia, Maria Karathanou - Greece

Entries begin: May 15, 2010
End of entries: June 15, 2010

Rules of participation:

Artist should:
  • send the technical form fully completed.
  • send the application form fully completed.
  • The artists participating should be born until 1992.
  • The application form should be completed and sent to the organizers by June 15, 2010.
  • The organization can use images and video (up to 1 min) of the participants art works on the advertised purpose of the project.
  • The organization covers the transport, setting up and returning the works to artists.
  • The organization covers the costs of travel and accommodation to artists whose work requires their stay in Novi Sad. The residence time is limited and will be determined and announced by the organizers.
  • The organization will help the artists whose work doesn’t require their stay in Novi Sad to find appropriate means of travel and accommodation at their own expense.
  • The artists involved with audio visual equipment should deliver at least 2 copies of the material.
  • The works should be delivered to production team of each country at least 15 days prior to the opening of the exhibition.
Elephant Walk.
Tenedou 26.
11 257

Naselje Oslobodioci Valjeva 59/5

  • Artists must deliver their work packaged and clearly identify themselves.